Meeting Babies on the Other Side

Earth Side

This moment is my favorite-getting to meet the tiny human who has been inside my patients belly for 40 weeks. Babies will often "swim" 🐠by and say "hi" while I'm working on mommas belly, pelvis and diaphragm and it is the best to finally get to meet them on the other side.

This little lady's momma worked so hard to prepare for her birth-doing yoga, getting adjusted, and this little lady had her own birth plan in mind. (as they always do!). Her momma shifted to plan B with grace and peace.

Sometimes plan B comes with some possible scenarios that might put extra strain on baby--her mommas knew it was important to get her checked out to make sure that babe is healing up well after her arrival.

I think she liked it. 😴👶😍

Michaela Laughrin