New Mamas

new mamas

Hey new mommas! We wanted to take a minute to let you know that you are kicking serious butt today, and our Everwell Family is always, always here for you. We do not view our place in your family's lives as strictly chiropractic--we want to help in any way that we can. If you need a place to stop and feed your baby, or if you need a place to nap--please stop by, we will watch your kiddos for you while you do. (You know I'm 100% serious about this! -- Dr. L). Please, please don't be afraid to ask for help. Even if you are not a patient, we are happy to help.

Family and friends of new mommas: if you feel like you want to help, but don't quite know how, we'd love to help strategize with you about what she might need. Here are some great ideas to offer:
-to watch an older sibling
-to bring a meal for her and her family or set up a meal train
-drop off coffee or a favorite drink -to do laundry for their family for the week
-offer to give her a hand with the baby so she can shower
-do the dishes
All things that don't take a ton of time, but can help a ton.

Pregnant mommas-
"The First 40 days" by Heng Ou is a great resource--It helps walk through what to expect in those first weeks after your baby is born, and how to set yourself and your family up for you to have a nourishing recovery for you and your babe. All of the above applies to you too!

If you are wondering where all this came from-we are saddened to share that our greater Lincoln, NE, community lost a momma to postpartum depression earlier this week and our hearts, thoughts and prayers are with her and her family as they begin to heal from her loss.

Please take a minute to check in on, or help a new momma in your life in her honor. ❤

Michaela Laughrin